8 Mar 2012 | in Updates
RT @ryan: Settling in for what I expect to be a lifetime of people saying “Steve wouldn’t have done this.” and “Apple has lost its touch.”
8 Mar 2012 | in Updates
Steve Jobs originally envisioned Apple Stores as targeting creative professionals appleinsider.com/articles/12/03…
3 Mar 2012 | in Updates
Introducing the Apple IIc G4: 2004’s technology crammed into a 1984 body j.mp/zgupbm Über-cool!
2 Mar 2012 | in Updates
“@ifostore: Epic possibility–Apple on Champs Élysées in Paris bit.ly/wxOvzx” Tim Cook was spotted in Paris yesterday
28 Feb 2012 | in Updates
Here’s Why Andrew Stanton Dedicated ‘John Carter’ To Steve Jobs j.mp/z6BfGT
27 Feb 2012 | in Updates
Steve Jobs ignored Warren Buffett’s advice for a stock buyback networkworld.com/community/node… Buffet told SJ to buy undervalued stock when it was $200
27 Feb 2012 | in Updates
Aaron Sorkin on possible Steve Jobs Biopic Movie at 2012 Oscars Academy Awards youtube.com/watch?v=v-BNNA… via @youtube
Happy birthday!
As many of you probably know, Steve Jobs was born on February 24. He would have turned 57 today.
What you may not know, and shame on you for that, is that, coincidentally, I —perhaps the greatest Jobs-fanboy that ever lived— was also born on that day, some 32 years later. And, less coincidentally, I launched the first iteration of this website on my 19th birthday (Steve’s 51st, follow please!), on 24 February 2006.
I had set a deadline for myself to launch the new all about Steve Jobs.com no later than today, its 6th birthday. I’m glad I could meet it.
24 Feb 2012 | in Updates
It is now February 24. It would have been Steve Jobs’s 57th birthday. It is my 25th birthday… and allaboutstevejobs.com‘s 6th anniversary
23 Feb 2012 | in Updates
I just uploaded the new version of allaboutstevejobs.com > please check it out and tell me what you think. Blog post coming soon for more