Steve’s emails of the week

30 Oct 2010 | in Steve Jobs news

The blog posts are getting shorter because I have a full-time job, and I am finishing up all about Steve super exciting new update. So here’s the lowdown on the new rush of emails from Steve Jobs this week:

Oct 22: on removing Java from the new Macbook Air

Mr. Jobs:

I am the CTO and founder of a Software company based in Philadelphia. We create and sell Enterprise software into the health care space.

Our software is Java based, and runs on both the server and the desktop. We have been in business for over 12 years now, and are a healthy growing company with about 180 employees.

I am a big Apple customer, as is my company. We love developing and testing Java based software on OS X.

Today in the news were stories like this: ens_to_kill_…
and here’s another example:

I am hoping you would consider commenting either to me or via your PR channels what are the future plans for the Java programming language and platform on OS X?

One last note – a growing trend over the last few years at all the software conferences I attend is the popularity of the Macbook laptops. Go to any non-Microsoft focused developers conference and the rooms are typically dominated by Mac laptops. One major reason for this is that OS X is a great platform for Java developers.

Scott Fraser
CTO, Portico Systems

Sun (now Oracle) supplies Java for all other platforms. They have their own release schedules, which are almost always different than ours, so the Java we ship is always a version behind. This may not be the best way to do it.

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 23: on iPad’s side switch button

In IOS 4.2 for iPad is the switch on the side going to be the mute and not screen orientation lock from now on?
Sent from my iPhone
Are you planning to make that a changeable option?


Oct 29: on USB 3

We don’t see USB 3 taking off at this time. No support from Intel, for example.


so there you have it.

One Response to Steve’s emails of the week

    is this
  • Chad commented on 8 Nov 2010 at 19:39

    It’s so easy to fake a Steve jobs email. they’re always the same…. “nope” “yep” “workin on it” lol

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