The future of this blog

20 Feb 2011 | in Updates/Announcements

Hello all,

As you have noticed I’ve been kinda slow updating the blog recently. This is partly due to my being busy with my internship + looking for the next one, partly because I’ve been lazy… but I’ve also been wondering about my editorial choices when I created the blog. I wanted to cover all Steve Jobs news, and this can be a difficult task when 3 to 5 Steve Jobs stories hit the news on one day and I don’t have time to cover them that night. Then what’s the point in covering them three weeks later?

So here’s what I think the blog should evolve into. I will now focus primarily on:

Lastly, I’ve been playing around with Quora for some time and I’ve really grown to like it. It’s one of the culprits of my lack of time to devot to this blog actually 🙂 So I suggest you have a look at the Steve Jobs topic, where I often post answers to questions on the iLeader.

From now on, I will also post links to my Steve Jobs-related answers on my Twitter account (@rmoisescot), so you can follow them even if you’re not on Quora. If you’re on Quora and have a question on Steve, you can also ask it directly to me so you can let others benefit.