About blogs, biographies and apricot orchards

22 Aug 2011 | in Steve Jobs news, Updates/Announcements

I have been thinking about the next version of the website for some time, and it’s time for Phase I to roll out.

I have moved the website to a new host last week. It should now be faster and more reliable. And today, I moved the blog to that same host. It is now really 100% under all about Steve Jobs.com, since all things Steve Jobs doesn’t seem to be catching on, and is just too confusing. Even though I am keeping the URL allthingsstevejobs.com, it will now point to localhost:8888/sqltest/blog. You might have noticed the better cosmetic integration with the rest of the website too.

I don’t think any of you has missed the two big pieces of Steve Jobs news from the past two weeks:

2 Responses to About blogs, biographies and apricot orchards

    is this
  • Karen commented on 26 Aug 2011 at 17:14

    I’m excited to read this book and I can hardly wait– and yet, when the publishing date was moved, I felt… uneasy.

  • juliat jones commented on 5 Jun 2012 at 15:20

    Steve jobs is the top of my favurite personalities as i found his whole life engaged in most advanced technology world . and now when he is late , he is the source of inspiration for the whole world as the products made by him are considered very useful in this advanced world.

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