16 Jan 2011 | in Updates
At last a cool infographic on SJ: The Ten Things Steve Jobs Will Say During Sex That Will Probably Ruin The Mood For You thenextweb.com/shareables/201…
Two of our videos on Mashable
Today I am proud to add the excellent social blog Mashable to the growing list of prestigious websites which have mentioned content from all about Steve Jobs.com:
Steve Jobs Remixed: 5 Creative Takes on the Iconic Apple Keynote [VIDEOS]
Good news: they still called us “creative” even though the two video they picked are from the original 2006 release of the website (faire enough, the One More thing video was remixed in HD last year. By the way, for those of you who wonder why Boom! is still in the original version, it’s because you can’t update a video on YouTube… so updating it would be killing one of the website’s strongest assets!)
Bad news: they failed to mention the website as a source, even though it is pretty visible on both videos. NOT COOL! I will write to the author and see what can be done about it.
For our friends from Japan, we’ve also been quoted on Japon.internet.net – if I trust the number of hits I got, it’s a popular website over there. Any of you guys know it?
6 Jan 2011 | in Updates
RT @gruber: The most surprising thing about the Mac App Store UI is that it uses the standard scrollbars.
6 Jan 2011 | in Updates
Fooling around with #macappstore There’s room for improvement but there’s no doubt it’s the future of desktop PCs – you did it again, Steve!
5 Jan 2011 | in Updates
RT @maiis: I ♥ Fucking Windows fucking-windows.com via @jk_keller
5 Jan 2011 | in Updates
an easy one, I hope you all get 10/10 🙂 Celebrity Challenge: Steve Jobs Quiz om.ly/BJIGA
5 Jan 2011 | in Updates
RT @christianhern: Apple now worth >$300B. WOW http://bit.ly/iOdi3
New caricature and parody of Steve
I just added the following caricature to the Caricatures page on all about Steve Jobs.com:
I love the little Apple necklace, remindful of the original iPod shuffle.
Also, thanks to our reader Alex, you can watch here a montage of Steve facing investors on the BBC show Dragon’s Den. Pretty amusing.
Steve Jobs Winter Break news
Hi all!
I hope you’re enjoying your Christmas holidays, if any.
Steve Jobs news have been kind of slow lately, but here’s a wrap-up of the most important/fun items I’ve read in the past… well, month. Some are a little old but still noteworthy if you haven’t come across them earlier.
Steve is praised so much it’s not fun anymore.
- Dec. 8: MarketWatch names him CEO of the Decade 2000-2010
- Dec. 20: Chief Executive magazine and Applied Finance Group rank him “#4 wealth creator of the year” (source)
- Dec. 23: The Financial Times names him Person of the Year 2010 (source)
- Dec. 23, again: President Obama mentions Steve Jobs in a news conference (gee) :
Something that’s always been the greatest strength of America is a thriving, booming middle class, where everybody has got a shot at the American Dream. And that should be our goal. That should be what we’re focused on. How are we creating opportunity for everybody? So that we celebrate wealth. We celebrate somebody like a Steve Jobs, who has created two or three different revolutionary products. We expect that person to be rich, and that’s a good thing. We want that incentive. That’s part of the free market.
The whole “CEO of the decade” frenzy can only make me smile. Indeed, in 1989, Steve was named “Entrepreneur of the decade 1980-1989” by Inc. (cover above). The interview he gave at that occasion is a delight to read, if you haven’t already. But it’s funny that at the time, Steve was struggling with NeXT, although the journalist didn’t suspect it. I hope this MarketWatch ‘award’ will not bring him similar bad luck for the next decade.
2. Steve Jobs history
After the interview that John Sculley gave to Cult of Mac last month, 37signals published a story on Edwin Land, founder/inventor of Polaroid and one of Steve Jobs’ few alleged inspirers. I don’t think it’s *that* interesting — but the most interesting part is in the comments section. As you can see here Tom Hughes, who worked in the Mac team, tells the real story:
Interesting article, but all serendipity for Sculley who was just along for the ride. He just happened to luck out. And, there was no pilgrimage… no planned meeting with Dr. Land. I was working for Steve as Design Director for the Macintosh project and we were in Boston and I asked Steve if he’d like to meet Dr. Land, whom I had worked with before Apple. I called Dr. Land and he agreed to meet Steve. We arrived to find a BBC documentary film crew there. Dr. Land excused them and we began a 3 hour visit which included a glimpse into color experiments that were in his lab, to his personal office and an amazing review of some of his personal collection of photographs. The memorable part of this was that Steve was meeting someone who legitimately could be, almost uniquely, a mentor for him. And, clearly, they shared an awareness of the importance of good design as it contributed not only to their products, but to their corporate culture as well.
Kinda makes you wonder about the validity of the rest of the Sculley interview. Not that big of a surprise, since Sculley’s book, Odyssey is said to be a ridiculous self-appraisal by the former Apple CEO, with a very liberal definition of history and facts.
3. Steve Jobs trivia
As usual, it’s the majority of stuff.
- Latest Stevemail (on MobileMe):
- Steve Jobs depicted as Big Brother in a 1984 parody by an anti-gay activist group
- Steve Jobs in a BBC Comedy video with his music heroes, the Beatles
- a new iPhone game made it to the App Store while obviously a parody of the iCEO: Ninja Steve. I’ve tried it, and though it’s a little rough, I’m confident in saying it’s a must-have for any die-hard Steve Jobs fan (and less expensive than the famous forbidden doll)
29 Dec 2010 | in Updates
Old but interesting piece on Apple’s development process (as told by Apple senior engineering manager @ SXSW’08) businessweek.com/the_thread/tec…