Posts filed under 'Updates'

23 Jun 2018 | in Updates

The contemporary opera “The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs” now available on Spotify and Apple Music

John Carmack opens up about his ambivalent relationship with Steve Jobs

15 May 2018 | in Steve Jobs personality, Updates

John Carmack remembers his work relationship with Steve Jobs. His last sentence sums it up:

“I corroborate many of the negative character traits that he was infamous for, but elements of the path that led to where I am today were contingent on the dents he left in the universe. I showed up for him.”

One particular anecdote stood out to me:

“One time, my wife, then fiancée, and I were meeting with Steve at Apple, and he wanted me to do a keynote that happened to be scheduled on the same day as our wedding. With a big smile and full of charm, he suggested that we postpone it. We declined, but he kept pressing. Eventually my wife countered with a suggestion that if he really wanted “her” John so much, he should loan John Lasseter to her media company for a day of consulting. Steve went from full charm to ice cold really damn quick. I didn’t do that keynote.”

Here is his mention in the keynote on his wedding day that he is referring to. It’s from Macworld 2000:

Notice that Steve is saying:

“John got married today. And this guy is so great, he offered to postpone his wedding to be here. And we said: no way. We’ll make a video. And he said, I hadn’t thought of that”.

Let’s say Steve’s version of the argument is … interesting. I would probably trust Carmack’s version on this one.

In general, it’s nice to see people open up on their ambivalent relationships with Steve Jobs. John Carmack’s story rings true to me. Steve’s single-mindedness on getting things his way – here to get speakers at his keynotes – or his way to get people to argue with him and defend their point of view by arguing the opposite and see how prepared they are; these are all things we’ve heard over and over about him.

Steve Jobs My wife once asked me “Why do you drop what you are doing when Steve Jobs asks you to do something? You…

Posted by John Carmack on Monday, May 14, 2018

11 May 2018 | in Updates

Another nice retrospective on the original iMac launch by Macworld veteran Jason Snell:

5 May 2018 | in Updates

Great retrospective that I encourage reading through as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the iMac introduction! 20 years of iMac: A story of relentless design iteration | 9to5Mac

18 Apr 2018 | in Updates

“What did Alan Kay and Steve Jobs talk about at the 2007 iPhone keynote?” answered by Alan Kay himself on Quora

17 Mar 2018 | in Updates

Harper Collins reveals Steve Jobs’ first daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, will publish a book about her relationship with her father in September – via Mac Rumors

17 Mar 2018 | in Updates

Steve Jobs’ 1973 job application fetches $174,000 at auction:

Happy Birthday Steve! and a new video from 1992

24 Feb 2018 | in Updates

Happy Birthday Steve Jobs, who would have turned 63 today! (coincidently it’s also my birthday today 🙂 )
I want to use today to bring to your attention a video that was posted by MIT Sloan School of Management last December but didn’t get a lot of attention.
It’s a Q&A session given by Steve to MBA students back in the spring of 1992, when he was still CEO of NeXT. It was at a difficult time for the company, even though it doesn’t transpire in the video – NeXT was struggling to find product-market fit with its expensive hardware, it was before it found success with the rise of the web and Open Step, which would come 2 years later.

It’s definitely worth a watch, as it’s rare to see Jobs speak of its work and company in business terms as opposed to product/design or marketing terms.
Check it out and tell me what you think in the comments!

23 Feb 2018 | in Updates

Documents signed by SJ going on sale at RR Auction: job application (1973), OS X Admin guide (2001), news article (2008). Starting at $15,000 if you have money to spend 🙂

20 Feb 2018 | in Updates

Nice retrospective on flagship Apple Retail Store opening Tshirts (article in German).

I’m the proud owner of two of those – the Louvre and Opéra stores in Paris!