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9 Sep 2011 | in Updates

nice montage by Fortune “Stevie Jobs, aka Stevie Wonder”…

Gems from the noise following Steve Jobs’ resignation

9 Sep 2011 | in Steve Jobs history, Steve Jobs news, Steve Jobs personality

I’ve been working on this post for a while but I have been overwhelmed by a number of things recently so sorry about the delay.

I’ve always thought that the only positive thing that would result from Steve Jobs’ withdrawal from the public spotlight would be the flurry of stories to pour out from all corners of the Wold Wide Web. His recent resignation proved me right. To save you time and effort, here is my personal selection among the several dozens of articles and stories I have read in the past three weeks. If you think a worthy one is missing, do not hesitate to mention it in the comments.

The big news


Steve Jobs stories

Rediscovered treasures

On Steve’s health

31 Aug 2011 | in Updates

Cook starts adopting Steve’s habits “@zachphillips Tim Cook returned my email because it was about football. I like him”

28 Aug 2011 | in Updates

RT @Snaggy: The new JoT is an exclusive screenshot of Steve Jobs’s calendar.…

28 Aug 2011 | in Updates

A tribute to Steve Jobs in cartoons over at the San Jose Mercury News…

28 Aug 2011 | in Updates

browsing through the 50+ articles/stories/letters I have collected about Steve’s resignation… I hope to have the digest ready by Monday

28 Aug 2011 | in Updates

RT @wilshipley: When Steve tried to hire me I said, “I don’t like having a boss.”

He said, “A lot of people say working for me is like …

27 Aug 2011 | in Updates

“I think of myself as someone who builds neat things. I like building neat things. I like making tools that are useful to people.” SJ, 1986

27 Aug 2011 | in Updates

Spend the next half hour reading this 1986 portrait of Steve Jobs… — you will not regret it

25 Aug 2011 | in Updates

if my inbox is any indication, Steve’s email inbox must be filled with crap about miracle cancer cures or religious BS