News Feed

Welcome to the News Feed! Here I regularly post news about Steve Jobs, which are automatically cross-posted on the Facebook page and Twitter account. Follow us on your favorite platform!

12 Apr 2015 | in Updates

RT @BenedictEvans: No floppy. No legacy ports. Slow. A glorified Network Computer.

3 Apr 2015 | in Updates

Love Steve’s mischievous smile on this 1984 picture with @leeclowsbeard

29 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @iTunesPodcasts: Must listen: Becoming Steve Jobs authors @brentschlender & @tetzeli with @Gruber for Meet the Author.…

28 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @BillGates: The new book “Becoming Steve Jobs” ( has me thinking of my old friend. A true visionary. #TBT http://…

23 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @StevenLevy: The war over who Steve Jobs was.…

23 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @cdixon: Finally a good Steve Jobs book…

17 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @cue: Best portrayal is about to be released – Becoming Steve Jobs (book). Well done and first to get it right.

17 Mar 2015 | in Updates

RT @cue: Very disappointed in SJ:Man in the Machine. An inaccurate and mean-spirited view of my friend. It’s not a reflection of the Steve …

15 Feb 2015 | in Updates

RT @NHVMod: Letter to Paul Rand from Susan Kare: “Steve hates the yellow, which he says looks orange…” Gem.

7 Feb 2015 | in Updates

RT @malkosh: Not sure if anyone else noticed but Steve jobs and John Lasseter in #BH6 lower left corner. #Disney #BigHero6…