News Feed

Welcome to the News Feed! Here I regularly post news about Steve Jobs, which are automatically cross-posted on the Facebook page and Twitter account. Follow us on your favorite platform!

9 Oct 2015 | in Updates

RT @philiped: Watch this 2:20-minute scene from the new ‘Steve Jobs’

9 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Jony Ive Reacts to Movie Portrayals of Steve Jobs – Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit…

9 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Woz weighs in on the heated exchange in the Steve Jobs movie…

9 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Excited to see the NeXT logo on the big screen!…

7 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Sony Emails Reveal Conflict With Laurene Jobs Over Steve Jobs Movie | Re/code…

7 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Thanks @abcnews but can you please release the whole footage?…

6 Oct 2015 | in Updates

The daughters of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (@evejobs98) competed against each other in an equestrian event…

Jobs (left) poses with Hannah Selleck (second from left), Bloomberg (second from right), and Jessica Springsteen (right)

5 Oct 2015 | in Updates

Apple Executives Mark Anniversary of Steve Jobs’s Death With Personal Tributes | Re/code…

5 Oct 2015 | in Updates

RT @philiped: The actor playing Steve Jobs is already favored to win an Oscar

5 Oct 2015 | in Updates

RT @tim_cook: Remembering Steve for who he was and what he stood for. We honor him by continuing the work he loved so much.…